There is a ripeness of time for death.
The retired list of life is death.
-William George Jordan
Death cancels all engagements.
-Max Beerbohm
Death is just the last scene of the last act.
-Joyce Carol Oates
Death is the ultimate disappearing act.
-Kate Green
Of all escape mechanisms,
death is the most efficient.
-Henry Louis Mencken
Life is pleasant.
Death is peaceful.
It's the transition that's troublesome.
-Isaac Asimov
On the plus side,
death is one of the few things
that can be done just as easily lying down.
-Woody Allen
Please pardon my levity,
I don't see how to take death seriously.
It seems absurd.
-Robert Anton Wilson
That which is so universal as death
must be a benefit.
-Friedrich von Schiller
Death never takes the wise man by surprise,
he is always ready to go.
-Jean de La Fontaine
To the well-organized mind,
death is but the next great adventure.
-J. K. Rowling
Most people are not ready for death,
theirs or anybody else's.
-Charles Bukowski
Death is a friend of ours,
and he that is not ready to entertain him,
is not at home.
-Francis Bacon
Don't be afraid of death
as much as an inadequate life.
-Bertolt Brecht
The best preparation for death
is a well-spent life.
-Mieczyslaw Demetriusz Sudowski, "Mouni Sadhu"
When we are ready to die at any moment
we are also ready to live at any moment.
-Henri Nouwen
If you're not ready to die,
then how can you live?
-Charles de Lint
I am not afraid of death.
It's the stake one puts up one puts up
in order to play the game of life.
-Jean Giraudoux
He decided to live forever
or to die in the attempt.
-Joseph Heller
People living deeply
have no fear of death.
-Anais Nin
Death is only the pure, beautiful conclusion
of a great passion.
-D. H. Lawrence
Live before you die,
so that death is also a lively celebration.
-B. K. S. Iyengar
Until death
it is all life.
-Miquel de Cervantes
I don't want to die as long as I can work;
the minute I cannot, I want to go.
-Susan B. Anthony
When death comes,
let it find me at my work.
I want death to find me
planting my cabbages.
-Michel de Montaigne
Dying cricket,
his song so full of life.
To be weary of one's own individuality -
it that to die?
-Theodore Roethke
Death is not the greatest loss in life.
The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.
-Norman Cousins
A man does not die of love, his liver or even old age;
he dies of being a man.
-Miguel de Unamuno
To die with honor
when one can no longer live with honor.
-Giacomo Puccini
When a plant can't live according to its nature, it dies;
and so a man.
-Henry David Thoreau
We go on living and are who we are
Until death comes to assist who we aren't.
-Fernando Pessoa
When we
have played
with the toy life
death takes it
back without
whatever the conditions
-R. A. Ammons
Yet each of us earns his own death,
his own death,
which belongs to no one else
and this game of life.
-George Serefis
Death always has a reason.
-Haitian Proverb
By premature death we mean
the passing away from this sphere
before we have fulfilled the purpose for which we came.
-Christian Larson
A person never dies before his time.
-Haitian Proverb
Man dies when he wants,
as he wants,
of what he chooses.
-Jean Anouilh
There are always two deaths,
the real one and the one people know about.
-Jean Rhys
Death has a thousand doors to let out life:
I shall find one.
-Philip Massinger
Death is only an old door
Set in a garden wall.
-Nancy Byrd Turner
Nothing resembles a person as much
as the way he dies.
-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
To die alone, on a rock under sun at the brink of the unknown,
like a wolf, like a great bird, seems to me very good fortune indeed.
-Edward Abbey
He could not die when the trees were green,
For he loved the time too well.
-John Clare
Loveliest of what I leave behind is the sunlight,
And loveliest after that, the shining stars and the moon's face,
but also cucumbers that are ripe, and pears, and apples.
-Praxilla of Sicyon
Life is an end in itself
and the only question as to whether it is worth living
is whether you have had enough of it.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
Why not like a well-filled guest
leave the feast of life?
Do not seek death.
Death will find you.
But seek the road
that makes death a fulfillment.
-Dag Hammarskjold
Even the longest life
is a brief run.
-Geneen Roth
On the day he dies,
every man feels he has lived only a single day.
What is death to me?
I have sown the seeds others will reap.
-Jose Rizal
When a tiger dies, it leaves its skin behind.
When a man dies, he leaves his name behind.
-Chinese Proverb
Sometimes only one person is missing
and the whole world seems depopulated.
-Alphonse de Lamartine
A man's dying is more of the survivors' affair
than his own.
-Thomas Mann
The more your identity was wrapped up in the deceased
the more difficult the loss.
-Meghan O'Rourke
Death is only interesting
in relation to the search for what cannot die.
-Rodney Collin
All interest in disease and death
is only another expression of interest in life.
-Thomas Mann
Most people are not ready for death,
theirs or anybody else's.
-Charles Bukowski
Let us beware of saying
that life is the opposite of death.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Life is a state of becoming,
and death is merely a part of the process.
-Jane Roberts, "Seth"
Death has no reality
except as a process of life.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Must not all things at last
be swallowed up in death?
Death is always swallowed by life.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Life as a whole
never takes death seriously.
-Rabindranath Tagore
 Laugh at death and die of laughter. 
-Jacques Prevért

It is certain that the world
dies a certain death for each one of us,
yet the world still exists.
-Etty Hillesum
Death is the final stage of growth in this life.
-Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
Death is not a denial of Life
but a process of Life.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Nothing ever really dies, it only transforms.
-Vicki Noble
What we call death
is our impression of a change.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Death is an art you know.
-Alejandro Jodorowsky
Dying is an art,
like everything else.
-Sylvia Plath
I am able to follow my own death step by step.
Now I move softly toward the end.
-Pope John Paul XIII
Death is just infinity closing in.
-Jorge Luis Borges
In the shadows of death,
I threw the anchor into the sky.
-Maurice Maeterlinck
When you die you will simply be here in one moment
and there the next.
-Helen M. Luke
Death is the separation of spirit from the body -
there is insufficient material for it to work with or function through,
its piece of real estate is of poor quality,
its mineral and chemical formula is imperfect,
so much it cannot support life.
Hence it leaves.
-Inez Perry
Death is a change that comes
through the inability of the body to hold what we call the soul.
The body has a certain amount of magnetism,
which is the sign of its perfect running order.
When, owing to illness, the body, either suddenly or gradually,
loses that magnetism by the power of which it holds the soul,
it so to speak helplessly loses its grip upon something that is was holding;
and it is this losing of the grip that is know to us as death.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Death releases us from sense impressions,
from the impulses of our hungers,
the wayward wandering of our thoughts,
and the need to care for the body.
-Marcus Aurelius
That last day does not bring extinction to us,
but a change of worlds.
-Marcus Tullius Cicero
Death is only a shedding of the body,
not a cessation of personal existence.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Life is not destroyed, only changed,
by death.
-Leo Tolstoy
Death is a withdrawal of consciousness.
-Esther Hicks, Abraham-Hicks
Costumeless Consciousness -
That is he -
-Emily Dickinson
Death is a Dialogue between
The Spirit and the Dust.
"Dissolve" says Death -The Spirit "Sir
I have another Trust" -

Doubt doubts it - Argues from the Ground -
The Spirit turns away
Just laying off for evidence
An overcoat of clay.
-Emily Dickinson
In reality, there is no death
because you are not the body.
Let the body be there or not be there,
your existence is always there; it is eternal.
The soul is life; it never touches death.
Death comes to something which the soul holds, not to itself.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Death is nothing but the taking off of one garb
and giving it back to the plane from which it was borrowed.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Dying is the dropping of the flower
that the fruit may swell.
-Henry Ward Beecher
Death is the opening of a more subtle life.
In the flower, it sets free the perfume;
in the chrysalis, the butterfly, in man, the soul.
-Juliette Adam
Death is an unveiling, the removal of a cover,
after which the soul will know many things
in regard to its own life and in regard to the whole world
which had hitherto been hidden.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Death is not extinguishing the light;
it is putting out the lamp because dawn has come.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Man is immortal;
therefore he must die endlessly.
For life is a creative idea;
it can only find itself in changing forms.
-Rabindranath Tagore
Rightly viewed,
death does not mean total destruction or annihilation.
It means a transitional phase
in the long, evolutionary journey of the soul.
It brings to a close a particular chapter of life
and opens another chapter in our evolutionary development.
-Haridas Chaudhuri
Death itself never has the last word:
the moment its work is done,
life takes over again, but in another form.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Death is so certain in life
that there is no need to go forth in haste to meet it.