Last Words

"Is everyone else all right?"
-Robert F. Kennedy

"Go away. I'm all right."
-H. G. Wells

"I've never felt better."
-Douglas Fairbanks, Sr.

"I'm bored with it all."
-Winston Churchill

"I'm losing it."
-Frank Sinatra

"This is no way to live."
-Groucho Marx

"Die, my dear?
Why that's the last thing I'll do!"
-Groucho Marx

"I do not believe in my death."
-Salvador Dali

"You're right. It's time. I love you all."
-Michael Landon

"Tomorrow, at sunrise, I shall no longer be here."

"The taste of death is upon my lips.
I feel something that is not of this earth."
-Amadeus Mozart

"You see, this is how you die."
-Coco Chanel

"I've had a hell of a lot of fun
and enjoyed every minute of it."
-Erroll Flynn

"Music has been my doorway of perception
and the house that I live in."
-David Bowie

"It's all been very interesting."
-Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

"It's all been rather lovely."
-John Le Mesurier

"Well, I've had a happy life."
-William Hazlitt

"Tell them I've had a wonderful life."
-Ludwig Wittgenstein

"I die happy."
-Charles James Fox

"I love you."
-Oliver Hardy

"Love one another."
-George Harrison

"Make the world better."
-Lucy Stone

"I have tried so hard to do the right."
-Grover Cleveland

"I have offended God and mankind
because my work did not reach the quality it should have."
-Leonardo da Vinci

"The best is yet to come."
-Frank Sinatra

"It is very beautiful over there."
-Thomas Edison

"I feel faint."
-Adlai E. Stevenson

"I think I'll sleep now."
-George Washington Carver

"I want to sleep."
-George Bernard Shaw

"Now I shall go to sleep."
-George Gordon Noel Byron

"Tomorrow, I shall no longer be here."

"Take away those pillows.
I shall need them no more."
-Lewis Carroll

"Please put out the light."
-Theodore Roosevelt

"Turn up the lights -
I don't want to go home in the dark."
-O. Henry

"I want nothing but death."
-Jane Austen

"Well, if it must be so."
-Edvard Grieg

"I am going to the inevitable."
-Philip Larkin

"I am ready."
-Woodrow Wilson

"I must go in, for the fog is rising."
-Emily Dickinson

"I am about to take my last voyage,
 a great leap in the dark."
-Thomas Hobbes

"Now I cross the shifting sands."
-L Frank Baum

"This is it!
I'm going, I'm going."
-Al Jolson

"Oh God, here I go!"
-Max Baer

"Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh wow!"
-Steve Jobs